Eat Healthy at School

10 Tips on How to Eat Healthy at School Cafeteria

In the past, healthy eating and cafeteria lunches did not typically go hand-in-hand. However, school lunches are key in ensuring that healthy options for children are available at the cafeteria. What students put in their bodies; can affect how much energy they have to work with for the rest of the school day. But do students really know how to eat healthy at the school cafeteria? Parents or guardians are usually in control of the meal that a student gets. However, a school lunch in the cafeteria is where students get to control the foods they put in their mouths. Schools with healthy food choices can make or break how a student learns throughout the school day.
Thankfully, healthier food choices …

benefits healthy lunch at school

Benefits of Healthy School Lunches

Healthy school lunch is vital to the overall health and well-being of students. Three balanced meals a day is crucial to development in children. The foods that they eat provide nourishment for both physical and mental growth. The benefits of healthy school lunches and nutrition go far beyond the benefits of lunches sent from home. Some children come from communities that have little access to high-quality food and therefore suffer from food insecurity. Nutritious meals with adequate calories help meet the needs of young growing bodies.
Since nutrition is of importance to school success, school meals have taken on greater importance. They have become a topic frequently discussed in the …

Kids Meal Delivery Services
Meal Kits

14 Best Kids Meal Delivery Services in 2023

Meal delivery services have become something of normalcy now, whereas ten years ago, these were so rare they were almost unheard of. Today, there is an incredible and vast amount of choices regarding meal and food delivery services. If a company doesn’t have a food service like this, they are likely behind in sales in today’s competitive market. However, the question comes to mind is this…who rules the world? Kids! Having a meal delivery service is one thing, but finding a kid’s meal delivery is another.
Parents all over the United States are trying to find healthy and easy options for their families. Sickness and everyday quarantines have made going to the grocery store more difficult (if not impossible), and eating at home all the time leaves everyone wanting new …

Healthy School Initiative

Healthy School Initiative – 10 Ideas for a Healthy School

The global healthy school initiative by WHO  promotes different strategies to improve the health of our students. Having healthy school environments no longer considers students’ physical health and the social, mental, and emotional health. Healthy schools consider everything from the foods being offered to students to learning environments that make students feel safe, secure, and wanted. While 2020 made all of these things tremendously more difficult, going into 2021, teachers all across the country have a much better idea of how to achieve these things for our students.
Tips to Make Your School Healthier
While the thought of taking on the task of …

Take Your Parents to Lunch

National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day 2023

Did you know that there is an actual National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day? What a fun day to come to have a visit and spend time with your children at school. As children get older, youth taking parents to lunch can fade into the background and become non-existent. However, students who involve parents both at school and at home are often the kids with the healthiest eating habits and do better in school. So let’s take a closer look at this event and take a peek at all of the fun reasons to love having lunch at school!
History of National Take Your Parents To Lunch Day
Well, the history of this day only spans a decade. However, it was so much fun to celebrate! The National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day is in the second week of October, on Wednesdays every year…